Increase general blood flow, superficially, deep, and to internal organs
Increases fluid transportation for nutrients
Enhance venous return of metabolic wastes
Reduce blood pressure and heart rate
Improve digestion with relaxation
Facilitate bowel movement
Release of endorphins (with nervous system)
Promote growth and development in infants
Allows healthy touch without sex or violence
Can influence personality traits such as calmness, gentleness and no aggressiveness
Stimulate sensory receptors in skin
Increase superficial circulation
Remove dead skin
Add moisture with oil or lotion to skin
Increase sebaceous gland secretions
Facilitate healthy scar formation
Increase lymph fluid movement
Improve immune function
Increases joint mobility and flexibility
“Milk” metabolic wastes from muscles into venous flow
Reduces muscle aches, pains, soreness and stiffness
Helps break up trigger points in muscles
Helps relieve muscle spasms
Promote general muscle relaxation
Passively stretches muscles
Break up adhesions
Helps tone muscles
Helps prevent muscle/ joint injuries
Stimulate parasympathetic nervous system
Reduce pain, increase endorphins
Sharpen body awareness
Massage is an analgesia, meaning pain reliever from its ability to elicit the relaxation response, reduce anxiety, relieve muscle tension, and improve circulation
Interrupts the pain-spasm-pain cycle
Blocks transmission of pain to nerves by activating the neural-gating mechanism
Deactivates trigger points and referral pain
Increase mental clarity and alertness
Reduce anxiety, fear, and phobias
Facilitate emotional release
Promote feelings of general well being
Increases the mind body connection
Can help break through “body armor” (muscular tension caused by suppression of emotions) and see things in a “new light”
Increase self esteem
Encourage diaphragmatic breathing
Relax muscles of respiration
Promote good structural alignment and rib cage expansion
Improve optimal vital capacity
Increase urinary production and bladder tension
Eases pain and anxiety while pregnant
Improve reproductive function with relaxation
Promote general breast health
Increase joint range of motion
Promote smooth joint function
Promote optimal joint flexibility
Promote proper skeletal alignment
Prevent joint/ bone injuries
Trigger Relaxation Response
Enhance tissue repair and scar formation
Improve connective tissue health
Improve pliability of fascia
Release adhesions and separate tissues
Brings blood to the surface to “flush out” and deliver oxygen to the area
Help prevent formation of abnormal collagenous connective tissue
Enhance circulation to kidneys to improve blood filtration