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Right of Refusal

At any time C&T Massage Therapy LLC. has the right of refusal. Not often but in certain situations C&T Massage Therapy LLC. will refuse to accept someone as a client and/or once the person is a client C&T Massage Therapy LLC. may refuse the client a return visit. Circumstances that this situation happens are when a client is rude, loud, inappropriate, soliciting our therapists for outside work, and other conditions not listed that C&T Massage Therapy LLC. see as unfit for this organization.

C&T Massage Therapy follows all the rules and regulations concerning any HIPPA laws. Autonomy is also followed by C&T Massage Therapy LLC.

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Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Illicitness, or Sexual Behavior of any kind is not permitted at C&T Massage Therapy LLC. Any client or therapist that violates any Sexual Misconduct will be removed from the business and/or fired The police will be called.

C&T Massage Therapy LLC. has strict policies against Sexual Misconduct.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking has become a problem in recent years. Human Trafficking is when a person is held against their Will and in many cases are forced to work for free. As a company, a massage therapist, and even a good moral person should report Human Trafficking if there is reason to do so. The toll-free number to report Human Trafficking is:


C&T Massage Therapy LLC. is an advocate against Human Trafficking.

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Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking is not only illegal but morally wrong. Sex trafficking is when people are removed from their environment and forced into a sexual environment against their Will. Anyone who see or believes they see Sexual Trafficking occurring, must report this or these occurrences to the appropriate authorities. A few numbers that can be used to report this activity are:



C&T Massage Therapy LLC. is an advocate against Sex Trafficking.

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Returns & Refunds

Returns on Merchandise only are accepted within 30 days of the purchase. Return Postage is paid by the purchaser and a comparable product of equal size, quality and price will be sent back to the purchaser as soon as the defect is checked in by C&T Massage Therapy LLC.

Massage Services and Gift Certificates are not returnable items. If a service is paid for and the client wants a refund, the refund will be given in the form of a Gift Certificate

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Terms & Conditions

1.) Before your first session, please allow 15 minutes to fill out a Client Intake Form unless you previously filled out the Client Intake Form online. If the client is not available 15 minutes prior to their first session and has not previously filled out the Client Intake Form, the time it takes to fill out the form is deducted from the massage time that has been paid for. After the initial visit the Client Intake Form is updated yearly.

2.) Showing up late to an appointment will result in time being removed from the session time.

3.) If a client is 20-minutes late or more, the appointment may be cancelled and the client is subject to the current cancellation policy.

4.) Packages state what is included in the package. All package pricing is firm and only in affect when paying prior to the beginning of the first session. Promotions are individualized and not used with any other promotions.

5.) Services cannot be split but may be combined.

6.) Clients must be 18 years of age or older unless accompanied by a legal guardian.

7.) Cash or Credit Card payments available.

8.) Agreements subject to change at the determination of C&T Massage Therapy LLC.

9.) For more rules and what to expect, look at our Policy Procedures

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Purchase & Return Policy

All Sales are Final with C&T Massage Therapy LLC.

  1. When purchasing Massage Services a client has the right to book their appointment unless monies are due to C&T Massage Therapy LLC., a membership contract is under suspension, and/or a client falls under C&T Massage Therapy LLC.'s privacy policy.
  2. If a therapist or staff member of C&T Massage Therapy deem it not safe to work on a client, the client may be rejected for the massage until the client becomes safe to work on again and/or a doctors note is provided. The client is responsible for the cancellation according to C&T Massage Therapy's Cancellation Policy.
  3. Sample reasons a massage therapist may refuse a client:


1.) The client is in a high risk

pregnancy or within the 1st Trimester

2.) The client is sick

3.) The client is on antibiotics

4.) The client is undergoing

treatment for cancer

5.) Organ failure

6.) Blood Clots

7.) Skin Diseases

8.) The therapist feels unsafe working on the client

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Client Liability

Clients are required to fill out a Client Intake Form prior to our licensed massage therapist performing any bodywork. The Client Intake form is a representation of the clients health, aches and pains. A client that signs the Client Intake form is answering the questions truthfully. If a client does not answer a question truthfully and an injury occurs, the client is fully liable absolving the therapist and C&T Massage Therapy LLC. from any wrongdoing.

A client can be turned away for being sick. If this happens, the client is responsible for the cancellation fee according to the cancellation policy of C&T Massage Therapy LLC.

A client that is on antibiotics or is undergoing radiation and/or chemotherapy treatment, or is in their 1st trimester of pregnancy will be turned away from receiving a massage from C&T Massage Therapy LLC as massage is a contraindication for these treatments.

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Appointment Cancellation Policy

C&T Massage Therapy's cancellation policy:

  1. If a client cancells 12-hours prior to their appointment time, no fee is assessed.
  2. A $35 dollar charge is assessed to the client if a cancellation occurs within 12-hours of the appointment time.

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Membership Cancellation

C&T Massage Therapy LLC.'s policy for cancellation is as follows:

Please go to our 30-Day Written Cancellation Form to submit for Membership Cancellation.

The policy termination date is 30-days from today's date. If another payment is due within that 30-days, I realize that I will accrue another service to be used within 30-days of my termination date.

*Termination date is 30-days after the Written Cancellation is submitted

A policy cannot terminate without being an Active Membership Policy. If there is a suspended account for none payment, a cancellation cannot be processed and the contract becomes a Breach-of-Contract. Discount payback for 6-months services rendered and a $180 processing fee will be due.